Thursday, September 08, 2005

Effects of Katrina

we are still going out and volunteering when we can, we have adopted a lady at Wi-Ta-Wentin camp. She came here with her children 2 boys and a girl, 16, 15, 8. She works as an aide for the group home. Her name is Betty and her husband is in Beaumont, he is caring for his mother.It took all day to get her children enrolled in school yesterday. I went in the cabin to see where they are staying. OMG it was so crowded, there are two familys of mom, and kids that total 7 and the patients (clients) like 6 - 8 of them in about400 sq feet of living space. They only sleep in there. It's like a 10 by 10 room just full of beds as many that fit in a room. They shower outside in a building somewhere and they eat in a big hall where half of it is divided off for other patients and workers to sleep. If you have ever lived in a dorm, this is 5 times worse. The beds are butted up against each other no room in between, they keep what little they brought under their bed. Very very, little a/c in there. I guess there was, it did not seem like it to me, though. The older boys were trying to plan a video game and of course the patients were unruly and loud and the workers were trying to get them to take care of their nightly rituals. The older boy and girl (Betty's kids) looked soo soo distraught. I tried to talk to them but they wouldn't say anything. They take turns bringing their clothes to the washateria, which is sooooo crowded for them with all the other evacuees. My task is just to see that she gets a break and gets away a little. Her kids are also getting adopted families so that will be good.
It's nerve wracking in there.
Hey did I tell ya'll Chris is coming home next week. Ha I know I did.
He is ready and so are we.
Well another blog another day
luv & hugs

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

We went to a family reunion on Sat. in the big city of DeRidder, my cousin, Dan had been in N.O. and showed up just in time for the reunion. He had been stranded in the charity hospital for 5 days. He said it was horrible and he did not think he would ever get out. The hospital was over run with bio hazardous waste, not being contained, he walked through the water and dead rats and "things" were everywhere. He was going to have to get on antibiotics for a few days to fight any disease he may be apt to get. He was so shaken that he would just break down every now and then. but he did get out and is finally home. He said they waited on a bus for three hours in a parking lot because no one knew what to do with them and actually had guns held to them. I guess the authorities were so afraid of someone striking back at them because of all of the looting and craziness.
Some of the guys in Chris's units that are coming home next week have lost everything so they can't go back home, most of them have found their families but some have not. Can you imagine working in Baghdad all year and coming back to -0-. The army has offered housing in Ft Polk for them though. There was one mentally handicapped lady, that was crying to use the phone when I was there, so I kept asking her what is your mothers name? She just said, "my momma, my momma, I so worried about my people and my brover(brother)", (in a childlike voice). So I finally could understand her moms name and got my cell phone, called information and said I don't know if you can do this but all I have is a name and she is in Louisiana I think. So he found the residence and put me through, then I had the uncomfortable task and asking the person on the other line if they had a mentally handicapped person in their family, hmmm... (no name because I could not understand it from the little patient)They said yes and I said well she is here and wants to talk to her mom. So she got to talk to her momma and she was sooooo happy, she said, "my momma, my momma, I been cryin all day to talk to you. I worryin about you my momma." "I over here and they have lots of stuff here my momma." It was so funny and sweet. Each day gets better with the news.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Sept 2, 2005

The news of Katrina's devastation is continuing to be the topic of discussion around here. There are people at Sam Houston Park that have left hotels and now camping in tents. There are so many people around 2000 at the Civic Center and several more at Burton Coliseum. The Campfire girls camp is full of mentally handicapped people and that's where I will be next week. I'm praying for all of the evacuees and workers.
Chris is going to be coming in on 9/14, after 1 whole year, hopefully from Baghdad, then a few days off, then straight to New Orleans. We will be soooo happy for that.