Thursday, October 27, 2005

Rita pics

McNeese Stadium
210 Beach Lake Charles
Hibernia Bank Building (I used to work on the 10th floor)

some cute little pics

Today was such a pretty day, I hated to be locked up in an office.
Does anyone ever really look at my blogs, I'm wondering or am I just entertaining myself here.

oh well here's the girls
Jordan and Gabrielle

a trip to the mall

Trying to get used to all this blogging is very patience trying. Today we had bad news everywhere we turned. Our best friends mom passed away and then David's mom went into the hospital with a broken back. Gabrielle was sick with a virus, then Kennedy, now Kaci soooo tomorrow who will it be.
The fun thing was after we went to see Granny at the hospital :( we went to the mall in L.C. which is trying to recover from Rita. Well anyone going to the mall with a man knows the torture they go through along with the torture they put you through but we had to do it, PawPaw needed a new pair of jeans. Me, I tried to spare the pain by picking him a pair up at the Gap last weekend by myself. Just like the ones he had but new ones was his request so when I brought them home they didn't feel right the legs were too big. So here we go the torture begins, I'm hungry first so we have to eat in the food court, BIG, Mistake, too much time for PawPaw to scan the creatures that walk the local mall, boys with eyeliner, 14 year old girls pencil thin "literally" with 5 olds calling them momma. what's up with that. And the newest style shirt everyone is wearing is the orange Prison Property sweatshirt. I saw the eyes squint and square off in defense mode. I said David, thats the style they probably paid $85.00 for that shirt. Gangstas, weirdos and hooches is all thats here, he said. I said well so are we and you need some new jeans so Paw Paw finishes his pizza then stands in an onguard stance headed for whereever I was to direct him next....the Gap. He has the jeans to return in his hands so I said go bring them to the counter, he was lookin at me like "are you kidding me?" I'm in guard mode, ready to attack if needed mode and you want me to take care of this. I said yes, I want to go to baby gap and look. Well, the look on his face any wife would have felt sorry and come to his rescue in this place where boys wear their jeans at their knees and trying to get pawpap to dress like them. So I stayed. I started handed him jeans to try on and he was so fluster at the choices, how does a redneck choose between low at hip, straight leg, boot to sit on hip, loose fit, straight cut or boot cut easy fit. Finally he picked out a pair to try on, still keeping an eye on the strange lookin employees in that place. I said, David that's what we are bringing back, try on these. So he took a pair goes up to the front desk and proceeds to tell the young, very, young lady , the kind of jeans he wants, jeans like he had before that were perfect in the leg and not too wide at the bottom, just blue, not scratched like a cheeta clawed the front. She just had a glazed look over her face. I pulled him aside and said, they don't help you like that any more, you just have to try on until you find the one you like. So he gave in and trys the jeans on, and comes out of the dressing room looking like someone might at any moment invade his space. Men and Women going into the same area to try on clothes was just the last straw. Got money back, no jeans...wheres a cowboy store with real people?

Monday, October 24, 2005

It's been a long time

Well I'm so behind, in my blog, so much has happened. From being a Katrina volunteer to a Rita evacuee, aghh! It still looks like a war zone here in Lake Charles. There is so much trash to deal with, everyone in the whole parish lost there food in their refrigerators and freezers so the streets are lined with taped up refrigerators and freezers and trees that have been here for ages. The city is literally a sea of blue roofs Operation Blue Roof from FEMA,(in other words tarps to cover leaks). There are apartment complexes in town that have sent out eviction notices to their leasees because the mold is so bad they have to demolish, so those people are riding around with their belongings on top of their car. There are no places to rent, lease and property to buy is going up fast.They tried to get them housed on a cruise ship but red tape stopped that idea, so now they are hoping for trailers to come in to be set up in a trailer park somewhere. School has finally started back today, they are literally starting over with classes, extending the day about 45 min. A lot of restaurants and stores are still closed because their staff has not returned. Every restaurant in town is hiring. Kaci's employer however layed everyone off, including her, so I guess it's whatever business your in. She was working for a chiropractor's office.
Halloween, well that's canceled too, some of the churches are doing things but the whole Parish has canceled Halloween. Gabrielle is going to be a flapper and I don't know what Jordan will be.
Chris and Sarahs house is still a big mess where the ceiling tile came in and water damage.
They are still waiting on insurance.
Other than that we had good quality time with our relatives and we are all safe and not homeless and the electricity is back on. And I can probably say I'm the only one that literally someone left their shit with. My brother and his wife and kids were in their camper for a couple of weeks in my driveway, left the little blue crapper thing with us. I called him and told him to come get his sh__ and he took forever theeeennnn dumped it out in our WOODS! Can you believe, what a redneck, Griswald.
luv 2 everyone, especially spidey and raggedy ann