Monday, June 12, 2006

just stuff and a new beginning

Beth I seriously think you are the only one reading my blog.
I hope that you are out of your shock state. If I know you you are already planning for that baby. When are you coming to see us?
This weekend we worked around here and swam with the babies. It's always fun to watch children play in the water. Why do they like it so much?? It's like they are so estatic when they are in the pool. I love watching them.
Aunt Cindy comes over with Kade or Ethan or both boys almost everyday if not every other day to swim.
Wayne bought a house in the country for him and Kade. I'm glad and Shane and Jamie are about to start building a house. David did a great job bricking around the little pool, it like to have eat him up but he did it. I think he could build anything. I haven't been shopping in forever. I did run into Old Navy real quick over the weekend, I'm serious real quick. Am I imagining or are their prices going up, up everytime I go in there it's more expensive.
David is bound for Tennessee next week. He is going to a mandolin camp, school (sounds like fun) all week in a dorm with a stranger just like a middle school camper boy. Well that's about it, just boring everyday normal stuff.
luv and hugs


p.s.: Beth remember when I posted New Beginnings, well it really is...