Tuesday, February 21, 2006

one thing leads to another

Work is crazy and I'm ready to retire.
Gabrielle's birthday party was Sat. at Jeremy's. The weather sucked so everyone had to be inside. Kaci made spaghetti had had a cute ladybug cake made for her. Gabrielle did not like the fact that you opened a present and had to put it down and then open another one. She just wanted to play with the present that was opened at the time and finally she had enough of Kaci taking them away and giving her another one that she had a major fit meltdown in front of everyone and yes I did get a picture of that, I'll be posting later. I must say it is so much fun being the grandparent and sitting back and watching rather than the parent and having to deal with it. Anyway, she got over it and moved on. She did learn a new word while sitting in the back of Paw Paw's truck the other day. He said, "Oh Crap!", she said CAP, PawPaw!! He blew his nose that sounds like a horn, she was in my room and yells "PawPaw...Huth which meant (Hush) of course!" That was so funny.

I did get to see the bed that flew out of the truck, it wasn't damaged that bad, it is a really cool bed made out of banana tree, very pretty. The story was Jeremy thought it was really heavy and could in no way fly out, the wind was very bad that weekend. Kaci turned around and screamed NO!!! and the thing just lifted up and flew out onto the interstate. Luckily no cars were behind them or they would probably be facing a lawsuit. It broke but he was able to fix it and is still working to get it where the boo boo doesn't show.
I got David a sattelite radio system for his truck for Valentines day, and he decides he would rather the kind that has the whole set-up, new cd player, sattelite with IPOD connection and of course the IPOD so my present just led to another bigger present. We went to Beaumont and had it installed, he did get it at "Best Buy". So now we have the original system and I guess we will put in on Ebay.
I did get a new car, Honda CRV-LE. I really like it, strictly bought it on the safety performance in it's class. Still need to sell that Firebird, but it has to be in perfect condition before David will put it up for sell. I'm thinking it didn't have to be in perfect condition for me to drive why does it have to be sold perfect. If it was perfect I wouldn't be selling it in the first place but oh well.
Have a GREAT week!
luv and hugs,
Aunt Pam



I left a comment yesterday and now it is gone! Was your CRV your Valentines Present - I have had 2 CRV's and loved them both!

Pam Berryman said...

no it wasn't a Valentines present, I just got tired of the other car.
My Valentines Present was a real, real shock. Usually we don't get each other anything but maybe a card or candy but this year he got me a Dooney purse and wallet. Can you believe, I've never even mentioned I wanted one and would have NEVER spent that kind of money on a purse so I was very shocked to say the least. hope everything is well with ya'll.
luv and hugs
Aunt Pam

Angie said...

That's so funny when the little ones pick up on EVERY little thing that's said!

Congrats on the new car. That's always fun :)