Monday, April 10, 2006

Spring and New beginnings

Every spring, ,I am constantly thinking I wish I didn't work and could stay home. It's the best time of year, new beginnings every where you look, new flowers, Dolli barking at new baby birds in a nest in the bushes. New words everyday from Jordan, today's word "baby". New 5 year old Granddaughter for us, Kennedy. New start for Kaci and Jeremy, Kennedy and Gabrielle, and also Guy, Carrie and Olivia as they move to Florida. And Beth and Scott with new jobs. Chris and Sarah celebrating their 2nd anniversary but really their first together.
Joy in watching Gabrielle's excitement when she opens up a plastic Easter egg to see it's contents. Just that sweet and simple.

Last week I received an email asking for prayer for 3 soldiers who are from Lake Charles and they were asking their mothers for prayers because of the fear they had in Ramadi Iraq. Today I recieved word that one had been killed, his name was Chase, he was 19. Never take a day, a hour, a minute for granted. Please remember our soldiers, lift them up in prayer.
luv and hugs,
"For I know the plans I have for you saith the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

1 comment:


I love spring too!!! I don't know about the new beginnings!! They started off kinda rocky! hahaha

I have cooled chills about Chase = that is terrible! 19 and life is gone!