Wednesday, May 17, 2006

What's wrong with this picture??????

I haven't been very good at keeping this blogging up. I think Beth, you are the only one that reads it, unless maybe some of my friends are reading and they don't want to sign up so they can leave comments. SIGN IN so I know Ya'll are looking at this, people!!
Everything is going good over here, still working on the pool, I told David today, I'm really getting tired of all this construction and I'm worn out from watching him work, LOL!
I was reading this backpacker magazine today and they had all of these unbelievable cool, light backpacks rated, hiking boots rated, tents and hiking clothes and all this high tech crap like a jackets with GPS's.
Well, it dawned on me why the heck did my son in 140 degree heat have to wear these antiquated, heavy black boots (with no arch supports) and lug around this humongous backpack that weighed 75lbs and wear this unbelievable heavy clothing in this unbearable climate. Why can't our government get their act together and get these guys some updated gear like these recreational backpackers have to make their life easier when they are riding around patrolling in unairconditioned bradley fighting vehicles? This is crazy.
So I'm going to find out, I'm going to write to every Senator, Representative, Governor to bitch about just this one thing.
Okay I've got that off my chest, I'll stop.
Tomorrow I promise I'll have a more positive attitude.
luv and hugs,

1 comment:


You have a point though!!!