Monday, July 24, 2006

no I didn't fall off of blog cliff somewhere

No I didn't fall off the blog cliff. I just went through a hiatus because no one is reading this silly thing.
It has been a busy hot summer. Working around the yard and house, painting etc. After you put a pool in I swear it's like you had built a house because the whole place is wrecked. But things are coming together somewhat. We are now turning to my mom's house vinyling it and putting new floors and roof. Oh does it ever end...
No I guess not, wouldn't it be easier to live in a rented condo?? yes I think so.

Bad news---Shane and Jamie split so that's sad.
Rhonda (Margie's daughter (Margie Berryman, Pete used to be married to). Well anyway, she had a son Jeremy and he was killed in a wreck last weekend. He was Kaci's age and had been to the house a couple of times. It was terrible, three guys driving home from a bar going 100 mph hit a piling under an underpass. This makes about the 8th one that was in the class Kaci graduated with. All drunk driving except for one who was an overdose.
The devil is out there to lie, steal and destroy our lives, he only needs a crack to get in.
Good news is Wayne is moving into his new place soon.
The girls are all good and healthy and fun to be around. David just got back from his Tennessee trip. He learned alot and made alot of new friends so he will go back next year. We are trying to make some arrangements to go to a Dude Ranch in Texas this fall.I think that would be fun. Anyway just going to work and working at home that's about it.
Beth I will get back with you and let you know about a visit, I definetly want to come visit before the baby. I have the attachment for the stroller and I hope it works for you. Anyway have a great week.
luv and hugs pam



That's to bad about Jamie and Shane -- was she still cheating??

Alcohol, Drugs, and moving vehicles don't mix!!!

Dude ranch sounds really cool -- you and Uncle David have sooo much fun!!

You should come over Wednesday night because Mom and I are going Thursday to Dallas to shopping for the day.

Pam Berryman said...

O man, I would love to, hmm let me think, well I know for one thing is that my boss is gone all week and so is his boss so I can't get vacation approval. I would love to do that though.
I don't know about Jamie, I'm really disappointed. He is really upset, really.Aunt Cindy is too. I think I'm going to try to get David to come with me to see you and we will bring the trailer and stay at that park we stayed at and then he can call your dad and hook up with him. So I will let you know about some possible times later. be careful in Dallas and have a great time. I'm so envious.
luv ya,
Aunt Pam