Monday, November 07, 2005

it was a truck/beauty product weekend

Quote for the day,
"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know
that your name is safe in their mouth."

Beth, will you please send the link to my blog to Carrie.

Everything is still a mess here. I think it looks worse now than in the beginning because the limbs that did not fall from the trees are dying and turning brown and ugly. I was in my bedroom Friday night and I heard a man talking outside my bathroom window, it was about 9:30. I listened carefully, thinking someone is actually so stupid to be snooping around talking in a loud,loud voice. But as I listened I realized it was the announcer at the football game about 4 miles away. This is the first time ever that we could hear that at our house. I guess from a lot of the trees that are gone now, is the reason.

David got a new truck and it had a lift kit on it. He could not pull the trailer with it sooo the cool lift kit had to come off, that's what he did all day on Saturday while I helped Kaci host her... lauch parties of Arbonne. Which if you have never heard of Arbonne, its makeup and face products. Good stuff. Cynthia AKA Cindy put one side of her face with Arbonne makeup and serum and the other side her regular makeup. She came over about 4 hours later and said look at this, so the skeptic in me was lookin her face over and I'm serious no wrinkles on just one side. REALLY, I was like give me some of that stuff, so her and I both probably are Kaci's best customers now.

Sunday OMG I had to help David install a hitch in his new truck. I had to actually crawl under the truck and use all these tools, don't ask me what they were. But he would tell me get this, get that, then fuss, "not that way you have it backwards". Ten years ago I would have slapped him and quit but with age comes patience into a soul I think. (I guess it did not for him)
He finished and sold his first mandolin, he was excited about that. It came out beautiful.
I kept Jordan for a little while, she did not feel good, she is walking though.
well luv and hugs



Paw Paw is moving up in the world: New boots, new Jeans, new truck, next it will be a new babe!! hahaha just kidding. Well I am glad that you had a good weekend.
Carrie can not get internet access until December so she will not be able to look at the blog until then - she can't do it from work. Love ya

Jim said...

Still waiting for the patience to come with my age too!!

Jim Berryman

Jim said...

On second thought, I'm only 34. Love the blog, keep it up.