Monday, November 14, 2005

Thanks Jim

thought: "Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way."

Booker T.

OMG someone actually looked at my blog, thanks Jim for your comments. I enjoy reading your's and angies also and my wonderful niece's (Beth). I'm glad Carrie's up there by ya'll she will get used to Dallas, it is really a cool place to be.
This weekend was another hard at it work weekend. We cleaned out the attic, made piles for each family member and ex family members. Giving everyone a date to come get their stuff, then if they don't its ours to do whatever we want with. It is unbelievable how much stuff was up there, with two guys going to Iraq, then piling it in on us agh! Then I guess they forgot about it all when they got back. But the new truck is taking over so the garage has to be clean, which is a good thing.
Then we cut the liner out of the pool, drained the nasty thing and getting ready to dismantle. I'm sore, stiff and old from all of that.

This hurricane stuff is getting to me. Walmart closes at 6:00(not enough employees) the lines in the fast food restaurants are long (not enough employees) and the supplies even to stock the shelves have been slow to come. Every time I try to go out I'm stuck in traffic behind a truck picking up trees off the road. I went to get my car washed on Friday and they said, we are only cleaning the outside, can't clean the inside of your car because we don't have the staff. Everyone that was making min wage must have gotten their FEMA money and figured out a way to get unemployment. Good grief it's frustrating. But it could be worse I keep telling myself.

So I'm doing all and I mean all of my Christmas shopping on It's wonderful.
David did get a new mandolin over the weekend (Gibson) which is supposed to be all that and more. It should be because it cost enough. He says he got it because he needed it for a model to try to achieve the "tone" he is after in the mandolins he is making, ok whatever. Now he is making sure the doors are locked and so careful about making sure the alarm is set and I was thinking aw that's good he is being protective here lately. Then I realized this change in habit has only been since 7:15 on Friday when UPS made the delivery of the "Gibson".
well everyone have a good week,
luv and hugs,



Boys and their toys!! So you all take the pool down every year?

You can come here and visit and shop!

Pam Berryman said...

no, it's pretty much trashed after the hurricane. we are thinking about getting an inground. Getting prices and stuff right now.


oh -- sounds like fun!