Friday, December 02, 2005

latest Berryman news

Thanksgiving was pretty nice, however we did not find a good looking Santa like Beth did, he was great...
We had everyone over at our house, the usual, Turduken, smoked turkey and everything else yummy. We did have a crisis on Wednesday the day before Thanksgiving. I had sent David to pick up a shrimp dressing stuffed boneless turkey at a local shop. Well they were plan "B". He was freaking out, not because he was worried about not having a bird but about being in traffic. I called the market and the woman told me they were sold out. Soooo I gave him instructions to go to another place, which was clear across town. OMG, the end of the world for him. He called me, "can't you go pick it up tomorrow?" I said, "David, it's 3:00 and tomorrow is Thanksgiving". I told him no, that won't be enough time to cook and they will be closed anyway. Well he got a turduken which if you aren't familiar it is a Turkey stuffed with a duck and a chicken all in one. It was pretty good.
Everyone came over and we enjoyed the day. Granny is not feeling well so we brought her and Dewey a plate. The babies played and they were all so cute together.
We took off on Friday and went up to Natches and Jacksonville, MS. We usually go to Houston but we knew the traffic would be horrible. Well, there is not much in the state if Miss. so we will probably go to Texas next year again.
We still have not been able to get our roof and house fixed yet. Everything is still a mess around here.
And I wish someone would put my tree up and decorations for me...I must admit, I have been shopping online for a "tree in a bag" like the one on the Grinch, something that will pop up and have everything on it and will go back in the bag. So if anyone knows where I can get one let me know. I have done almost all of my shopping online, about 95% of it. Online is so great. I love it.
Gabrielle has been entertaining us with dancing when PawPaw plays the mandolin, its so cute. She doesn't have much rhythm though and she has been bad, everything is NO!!, MINE!! MINE!! and pitches tantrums. I told Kaci, she needs a real spanking. Chris has taught Jordan to say "Poo Poo" and we are all proud of that accomplishment.
I have been listening to the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway cd, it's beautiful violin music, if you haven't ever takin the time to go see a Broadway play, I highly recommend this classic, the movie is just not the same. I
I hope Beth gets the job. I have to ask everyone what was the best present you ever received and what was the most memorable Christmas. My niece Ashley is getting boobs Monday for her Christmas present, go Ashley!
luv and hugs,
"striving to become an old woman with no regrets"

1 comment:


The turkey story was just great! I am so glad that Chris taught Jordan to say poo poo -- he needs a spanking along with Gabrielle! Love you