Monday, January 02, 2006

Holidays and New Year

As you can see we had a very blessed Christmas. Full of family fun.Mason and Gabrielle were not in the picture taking mood. I don't know about Mason but we can hardly ever, get Gabrielle to sit still for a picture. As you can see in the photo of her and Mason she is scooting away just as we set her down and she is trying to get away taking a picture with Granny and the kids. Don't they all look so cute.



Mason just likes to act silly when you want to take his picture! So what are the plans for Kaci and Jeremy?

Love ya

Pam Berryman said...

don't really have a set date, he is getting new bedroom furniture and painting and putting new floor in Gabrielles room. I don't know if you remember when we actually had to move the ex in laws stuff out of the house because he would not do anything so this one is really different. Really how it should be.


I hope it is forever!!! Big Wedding again????

Pam Berryman said...

me too. Not a big wedding this time. uh uh no no. They want to do something like Carrie did, but in Colorado skiing.