Monday, March 13, 2006

FAMILY CHAOS is an understatement

Well Kaci is married. They all went to Colorado last Wed. I kept both baby girls and I swear just as soon as their parents got on the plane they were sick. Jordan stayed up and cried until 3:45 a.m. She had one of her tubes plugged, took her to the doctor Thursday, as soon as I got home Gabrielle starting throwing up.She had fever for two nights vomiting, diarreha, (poor baby).
I had all kind of fun plans for them but maybe next time. Jordan got ate up by a mosquito in her room at night and she has about 10 bites all over her face. So her mom and dad will probably think I put her outside with the dog or something. She looks terrible. Does anyone know what is the best thing to put on mosquito bites for them to get well fast, (besides makeup)?I had, had to go to work today but really needed to stay home with them one more day. Their parents will be back tonight so that's good.
Saturday will be a cajun filled day if anyone wants to come down. C.W. is coming down to go find some cajun music and I'm sure we will be able to pass a good time by the time the weekend gets here. In the meantime I'm going to try to get some sleep before then, of course after work.
They just got the pool put in, the back yard is a wreck,literally. pics to follow.
N E Way,
luv and hugs,



Chris and Sarah went to Colorado?? I want to see the pool!! I want to get into the pool too! hahaha

Pam Berryman said...

yep they went too. come get in with your skinny self, it's not all the way ready but it will be by summer.