Thursday, May 18, 2006


Today Kaci, Kennedy and Gabrielle came over to swim, the water is still so cold. Poor Gabrielles lips were blue, it didn't bother Kennedy any. Then they took a bath and we played store/grocery shopping. That's what's great about having grandkids you get to play again. I used to play with Chris and Kaci all of the time and when they got too big, I babysat a couple of little girls and still got to play.If you haven't tried it you should. Today I was the checker at the store, Kennedy shopped the store and Gabrielle grabbed everything she put in her buggy. Well, the things you can teach by playing right? Gabrielle took all the money from the cash register and was running out of the room with it(little thief). Kennedy started screaming at her like she had killed someone. What's a grocery checker to do, but call Security. So I called, SECURITY!!!, SECURITY!!, STOP the little girl running out of the store with all the cash register money!!! Kennedy looked at me, like WHAT?? MiMi is really into this, right? Then she cracked up laughing, and of course Gabrielle had to stop and laugh too like she knew what was going on. So Kennedy forgot all about screaming at Gabrielle and Gabrielle decided that she like the money better in the cash register slot!! That's it, problem solved and fight stopped. It's not always that easy though but we have fun anyway.
so, play, play, play every chance you get.
luv and hugs,



I thought you were going to tell me that Security came and it was Kaci!! hahaha So how are Kennedy and Gabrielle getting along? So is the pool all done now or did you all just swim?

Pam Berryman said...

the pool is done, we are still pouring concrete on the rest of the area to the left if you're facing Aunt Cynthia's. It's still too cold for me but it won't be long before it warms. Guess what I'm getting organized inside the house, you know the junky drawers and cabinets, gettin cleaned out so there is a lot going on.Kennedy and Gabrielle fight alot but they do play too. They are both spoiled little girls that are having to share now which is a good thing. Have a treat weekend.luv ya, Aunt Pam

Pam Berryman said...

treat is really "great" sorry