Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Grocery Game

ok today I had an eye exam that was from hell. I wanted to look into Lasik surgery and they kept me there for 4 hours with every kind of test on an eye you can imagine. I have my eyes examined at least once a year and never did I have some of those tests. Well for all of this they have to give you some kind of super strength dilation and then tell me it will last 24 hours. I would have made my appointment in the later part of the day if that was the case. So I went back to work and all I could do was punch holes in paper and clean up the print room. I couldn't see anything.
Anyway enough of that. The Grocery Game has been featured on the Food Network and the Today Show.

You join this and sign up for the lists of stores in your area. (Read the Rules)
Each week on Sunday a new list is posted for your store, say "Albertsons" well that's the sales for that week (the best buys)you get the coupons out of the Sunday paper, the big pamphlets, Smart Source and the Vlassia I don't remember how to spell that, you start collecting these and then just shop by the list. Stockpile your groceries and save a lot of money.
Well I have NEVER been a coupon person, they just annoyed me but I decided if I ever want to retire I need to at least try this.
Well this really works. my savings yesterday was (bill was 166 and savings 59 so the end payment was 107 and I got a ton of stuff. so my goal is each week to get the percentage of savings higher. One key thing is looking at the message board because everyone is talking about their savings and you find out a ton of info from that. For example they were talking about getting a swiffer from Walgreens and there was a 10.00 coupon. Well I had only gotten the coupons out of the paper one week but I had that coupon and I didn't realize it. So I went into WG and pick up the Swiffer mop gave him my 10.00 coupon and paid my 3.00 and walked out. Did I need it no, but it's a great gift for Wayne on his housewarming and besides it was only 3.00 when it was marked 12.00. So anyway it is really challenging and fun. The thing is all these store sales run from sun through Tues and that's it. So you gotta get your coupons on sunday, study the list and go for the stores and JUST GET what is on your list for the week. Well hope you try it Beth and Angie.
luv and hugs aunt pam
p.s. I'm still having trouble seeing so excuse this messing typing blog job.



That sounds really cool!!! Somehow my blog messed up and deleted my links and Jim was supposed to help me, but I think he forgot. So I will tell Angie about it!!

Her blog address is:www.angelinamb1973@blogspot.com


Did you pay the $1 to play or did you get it at the grocery store for free???

Pam Berryman said...

no there is a free trial on www.thegrocerygame.com