Sunday, April 30, 2006

A Hilariously fun vacation

What a vacation!! Well I'm back from a vacation with friends and it was a blast. My friend Leslie lives in Delaware. If you haven't been to the East Coast now is a perfect time. The cherry blossom trees were beautiful, everything was really green. Leslie has such a cute house it's like a Norman Rockwell scene. Julie, my friend that went and she brought her friend Martha. Julie's always going somewhere so she calls Leslie sometime last year, Can I come visit, oh yeah and can I bring two friends with me. I think every girl should go on at least one ALL Girl vacation once a year. Leslie was really sweet though, she took off the whole week from work and carted us from Delaware, to Philladelphia and to Atlantic City, NJ and then to Chesapeke Bay Maryland. Whew! Yep we did that all in a week. Julie your a nut, but a real blast. I only gained two pounds, I was really expecting to gain at least 8 lbs.
The part I like the best was Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Truly Amish country and really beautiful. I was just enthralled while riding around the country side and seeing the clothes hanging outside and the children with their bonnets and pinafore dresses and the little boys in their straw hats and pants. They were so cute. I tried and tried to buy the girls little Amish dresses but everywhere I went the sales people looked at me like I was crazy, "Maam, the Amish make their clothing they don't buy them in stores!" Well excuse me, I guess I will have to go to Ebay. I don't know where they would wear them, maybe to church I guess. Then everyone would think, aw the little amish girls have come to visit.

I know this is long but I have to tell one more thing. My sister in law and her friend clean my house 1 time a month and they came right after the trip, she didn't know I had been anywhere. She did know we have been looking for another church. Sooooo, I called her to talk to her a bit and I mentioned I had been to Pennsylvania and I had enjoyed seeing the Amish and the way they lived. She goes, "Oh my gosh, we saw all that Amish stuff laying around and we thought you were seriously thinking about joining them. Well if I did it sure as H... would not be in La. with this humidity and mosquitoes. No electricity uh uh. You have to respect them though, they don't even use machines on their farms, we saw a lady behind a plow with a team of 6 horses, yes in 2006. And yes they did have a town, called Intercourse, look at this pretzel sign, what were they thinking??

luv and hugs,



That is soo funny that you couldn't buy Amish clothes in Amish country!!! I just don't think that Uncle David and you are Amish material!!!! hahaha Intercourse pretzels - did you have one??? hahaha

Pam Berryman said...

no I didn't have a "pretzel" in Intercourse I wanted to but they wouldn't stop. It was really fun.