Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas Party with less fortunate

This picture is a picture of David and a couple of ConocoPhillips friends. We went to a facility that housed physically challenged and mentally challenged folks. David and the group did not know 1 Christmas carol but I don't think it mattered to the people there. They really liked it and we served them lunch as their Christmas dinner, turkey, dressing and all the fixins. (I did see a guy there though... he reminded me of Hanibal Lector on that movie silence of the lambs) scary looking. There was also a guy there that had an assistant dog with him, I asked him what does that dog do for you, he said that he has severe epilepsy and the dog warns him when he is going to have a seizure.
It looks like David is squaking...
that Bluegrass does hurt my ears sometimes.
I can't wait to see Martha and the babies, I just wish they had more time to stay.
luv and hugs Pam

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Jordan and David

This is what Paw Paws are good for, playing music so we can dance.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

up in flames

how to have joy??? 1. Jesus 2. Others, 3. yourself

This is a Christmas memory that I had, yesterday this story was actually published in our local Newspaper the American Press.

Every year on Christmas Eve, our family would all go to my grandmother's and grandfather's house, which was only in our back yard but we were excited to go because this was the only time of the year that she would let us go into her den, "some sort of special room" for her I guess. My mom would dress us all up, my 3 brothers in little suits and I would have a new dress. We would then walk over to Nanny and Papaw's house. Our aunts and uncles and cousins would all be there. The tradition was for one of the grandchildren to read the Christmas story from the Bible, then pray, then everyone got to open Nanny and Papaw's presents. It was my turn to read the story and my brothers were to hold candles on each side of me while I read the story. This particular year, my mom had made me a poncho and skirt set to wear, It was red and white and had red fringe on the ends. Well, just as I was taking my very important place for the night, I realized I had backed into a candle and I was on fire. Just as I was about to stop, drop and roll, my grandmother and mom came running over to me and BEATING and flogging me with their hands to get the fire out. Ok now visualize it's the late 60's, they both have high heels, dresses kind of short, stockings (not panty hose) and we must not forget the ever loving 6" high matching hair pieces twirled and piled on to of their heads like a dairy queen ice cream cone. (I really wanted to STOP, DROP and ROLL so the next time the firemen came to the school, I could raise my hand and tell them, "been there, done that" thank you very much!!, but it did not happen that way and probably a good thing. My grandmother would have been upset if the fire would have burnt her burgandy carpet. Of course they got the fire out and and the night went on without a hitch. I did stink of smoke and singed hair the rest of the night and my brothers laughed at me all evening. My mom was able to cut off the burn part of the poncho and fix it later, but I could still smell the smokey smell on it sometimes. Sweet, simple memories with my grandparents and family.

luv and hugs,

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Rainy weather and blue roofs yuk!

"Doubt is a thief that often makes us fear to tread where we might have won."

--William Shakespeare

Rainy weather and blue roofs yuk!
Nothing much is happening over here. Jordan got her tubes in her ears, so hopefully she can hear and feel better. I wrapped all of my presents and they are under the tree(little). I never could find a tree in a bag, I must admit I did call a decorator to help decorate the tree since I can't get my family to help. Ouch! $500.00 just for the tree, a couple of grand for the rest of the house. So that was out. What happened to Christmas spirit when families got together, drank hot chocolate, ate cookies and decorated the tree together? I hope that some of you are still doing that. Gabrielle likes the tree, Jordan doesn't care she has a big one at home. Chris REALLY did not like the tree and really wants his old stocking hanging up, not the new one. So, gotta go back in the attic and that's the part I hate about decorating the attic and finding stuff.
We went to one Christmas party last week, and it wasn't near as interesting as Beth's party. It was at David's boss' house, really beautiful and perfect in everyway. He made us play Outburst, "the old version", so when you are asked about movies or anything current you had to put yourself in a time warp of 10 years ago because the game was so old.Kinda fun, better than standing around and blowing smoke.
Please remember to pray for the troops over seas, it's such a lonely time and not the bests of situations. I hope this is over soon, so no more sons will have to leave. Well tomorrow a Christmas memory.
luv & hugs

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Should Christians celebrate Christmas????

why a Christian should NOT celebrate Christmas... Every year there are some folks that make very good arguments about the pagan celebrations at this time of year, the evils of the Christmas tree, lying to children about Santa Claus, how Jesus was
notborn on December 25th, and many other reasons why a Christian should
not celebrate Christmas. To those people I have only one thing to

If you are led to not celebrate the birth of our Lord and
want to miss that is up to you. Sadly, your misguided legalism has stolen
your joy.

Listen, everyone understands that Jesus was not born on December 25th,
but according to most scholars, sometime in September. I have yet to meet
anyone that worshipped their Christmas tree, only decorated it. If you
are old enough to be able to read this, you are old enough to know that
there is
no Santa Claus. And yes, there are many pagan celebrations that occur
at this time of the year, and the Bible does not have the word Christmas
in it. However, there is only ONE REASON that we celebrate Christmas and that
is to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Christians SHOULD celebrate the birth of Jesus! It is right and good
that we take time each year to remember that blessed event. It was foretold
by the prophets of old. It is a well documented historical event
chronicled in
the Gospels and supported by the historians of that day. After His
death and resurrection, it is easily the GREATEST EVENT IN HUMAN HISTORY!

Think about it. God Himself, the Creator of the heavens and earth,
came to this earth as a mere man to live with His creation. He came as a baby,
born of a virgin in a humble manger in an obscure little town. He would
grow up to die on a cross as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all mankind.
Three days after His death, God would raise Him from the dead as a sign
to this lost and unbelieving world that He was exactly who He claimed to
be...the SON OF GOD! His life would literally transform the lives of
every man, woman, and child for the rest of human history!!!

THAT is why we celebrate Christmas. THAT is why as Christians, we
SHOULD celebrate Christmas!!!

I realize that people who say
not to celebrate Christmas mean well, and are trying to live their lives in a
pleasing and acceptable to God. Sadly, they are missing the great joy
this time of year. I know they are well intentioned and many of the
they point out about Christmas are true, but they have missed the point
Christmas. Christmas is about only one thing, celebrating the birth of
Jesus. It is one of those times of the year that we gather with family
friends and share our faith in Christ. That alone is a great reason we
should be celebrating Christmas.

Christmas is also VERY BIBLICAL. Luke chapter 2 gives us the account
of His
birth. That was the very first Christmas. Of course Mary was there,
as was
Joseph. We also read about several shepherds that God spoke to who
part of that first Christmas. Now, some 2,000 years later, we will set
aside time in the coming days to do what they did at that first "celebrate" the birth of Jesus!
luv and hugs,
"striving to become an old woman with no regrets."

Friday, December 02, 2005

latest Berryman news

Thanksgiving was pretty nice, however we did not find a good looking Santa like Beth did, he was great...
We had everyone over at our house, the usual, Turduken, smoked turkey and everything else yummy. We did have a crisis on Wednesday the day before Thanksgiving. I had sent David to pick up a shrimp dressing stuffed boneless turkey at a local shop. Well they were plan "B". He was freaking out, not because he was worried about not having a bird but about being in traffic. I called the market and the woman told me they were sold out. Soooo I gave him instructions to go to another place, which was clear across town. OMG, the end of the world for him. He called me, "can't you go pick it up tomorrow?" I said, "David, it's 3:00 and tomorrow is Thanksgiving". I told him no, that won't be enough time to cook and they will be closed anyway. Well he got a turduken which if you aren't familiar it is a Turkey stuffed with a duck and a chicken all in one. It was pretty good.
Everyone came over and we enjoyed the day. Granny is not feeling well so we brought her and Dewey a plate. The babies played and they were all so cute together.
We took off on Friday and went up to Natches and Jacksonville, MS. We usually go to Houston but we knew the traffic would be horrible. Well, there is not much in the state if Miss. so we will probably go to Texas next year again.
We still have not been able to get our roof and house fixed yet. Everything is still a mess around here.
And I wish someone would put my tree up and decorations for me...I must admit, I have been shopping online for a "tree in a bag" like the one on the Grinch, something that will pop up and have everything on it and will go back in the bag. So if anyone knows where I can get one let me know. I have done almost all of my shopping online, about 95% of it. Online is so great. I love it.
Gabrielle has been entertaining us with dancing when PawPaw plays the mandolin, its so cute. She doesn't have much rhythm though and she has been bad, everything is NO!!, MINE!! MINE!! and pitches tantrums. I told Kaci, she needs a real spanking. Chris has taught Jordan to say "Poo Poo" and we are all proud of that accomplishment.
I have been listening to the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway cd, it's beautiful violin music, if you haven't ever takin the time to go see a Broadway play, I highly recommend this classic, the movie is just not the same. I
I hope Beth gets the job. I have to ask everyone what was the best present you ever received and what was the most memorable Christmas. My niece Ashley is getting boobs Monday for her Christmas present, go Ashley!
luv and hugs,
"striving to become an old woman with no regrets"