Thursday, December 15, 2005

up in flames

how to have joy??? 1. Jesus 2. Others, 3. yourself

This is a Christmas memory that I had, yesterday this story was actually published in our local Newspaper the American Press.

Every year on Christmas Eve, our family would all go to my grandmother's and grandfather's house, which was only in our back yard but we were excited to go because this was the only time of the year that she would let us go into her den, "some sort of special room" for her I guess. My mom would dress us all up, my 3 brothers in little suits and I would have a new dress. We would then walk over to Nanny and Papaw's house. Our aunts and uncles and cousins would all be there. The tradition was for one of the grandchildren to read the Christmas story from the Bible, then pray, then everyone got to open Nanny and Papaw's presents. It was my turn to read the story and my brothers were to hold candles on each side of me while I read the story. This particular year, my mom had made me a poncho and skirt set to wear, It was red and white and had red fringe on the ends. Well, just as I was taking my very important place for the night, I realized I had backed into a candle and I was on fire. Just as I was about to stop, drop and roll, my grandmother and mom came running over to me and BEATING and flogging me with their hands to get the fire out. Ok now visualize it's the late 60's, they both have high heels, dresses kind of short, stockings (not panty hose) and we must not forget the ever loving 6" high matching hair pieces twirled and piled on to of their heads like a dairy queen ice cream cone. (I really wanted to STOP, DROP and ROLL so the next time the firemen came to the school, I could raise my hand and tell them, "been there, done that" thank you very much!!, but it did not happen that way and probably a good thing. My grandmother would have been upset if the fire would have burnt her burgandy carpet. Of course they got the fire out and and the night went on without a hitch. I did stink of smoke and singed hair the rest of the night and my brothers laughed at me all evening. My mom was able to cut off the burn part of the poncho and fix it later, but I could still smell the smokey smell on it sometimes. Sweet, simple memories with my grandparents and family.

luv and hugs,

1 comment:


That was tooo funny