Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Rainy weather and blue roofs yuk!

"Doubt is a thief that often makes us fear to tread where we might have won."

--William Shakespeare

Rainy weather and blue roofs yuk!
Nothing much is happening over here. Jordan got her tubes in her ears, so hopefully she can hear and feel better. I wrapped all of my presents and they are under the tree(little). I never could find a tree in a bag, I must admit I did call a decorator to help decorate the tree since I can't get my family to help. Ouch! $500.00 just for the tree, a couple of grand for the rest of the house. So that was out. What happened to Christmas spirit when families got together, drank hot chocolate, ate cookies and decorated the tree together? I hope that some of you are still doing that. Gabrielle likes the tree, Jordan doesn't care she has a big one at home. Chris REALLY did not like the tree and really wants his old stocking hanging up, not the new one. So, gotta go back in the attic and that's the part I hate about decorating the attic and finding stuff.
We went to one Christmas party last week, and it wasn't near as interesting as Beth's party. It was at David's boss' house, really beautiful and perfect in everyway. He made us play Outburst, "the old version", so when you are asked about movies or anything current you had to put yourself in a time warp of 10 years ago because the game was so old.Kinda fun, better than standing around and blowing smoke.
Please remember to pray for the troops over seas, it's such a lonely time and not the bests of situations. I hope this is over soon, so no more sons will have to leave. Well tomorrow a Christmas memory.
luv & hugs

1 comment:

Jim said...

We still decorate the tree together every year, and it's always a live tree, I have the fake ones.
