Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Grocery Game

ok today I had an eye exam that was from hell. I wanted to look into Lasik surgery and they kept me there for 4 hours with every kind of test on an eye you can imagine. I have my eyes examined at least once a year and never did I have some of those tests. Well for all of this they have to give you some kind of super strength dilation and then tell me it will last 24 hours. I would have made my appointment in the later part of the day if that was the case. So I went back to work and all I could do was punch holes in paper and clean up the print room. I couldn't see anything.
Anyway enough of that. The Grocery Game has been featured on the Food Network and the Today Show.

You join this and sign up for the lists of stores in your area. (Read the Rules)
Each week on Sunday a new list is posted for your store, say "Albertsons" well that's the sales for that week (the best buys)you get the coupons out of the Sunday paper, the big pamphlets, Smart Source and the Vlassia I don't remember how to spell that, you start collecting these and then just shop by the list. Stockpile your groceries and save a lot of money.
Well I have NEVER been a coupon person, they just annoyed me but I decided if I ever want to retire I need to at least try this.
Well this really works. my savings yesterday was (bill was 166 and savings 59 so the end payment was 107 and I got a ton of stuff. so my goal is each week to get the percentage of savings higher. One key thing is looking at the message board because everyone is talking about their savings and you find out a ton of info from that. For example they were talking about getting a swiffer from Walgreens and there was a 10.00 coupon. Well I had only gotten the coupons out of the paper one week but I had that coupon and I didn't realize it. So I went into WG and pick up the Swiffer mop gave him my 10.00 coupon and paid my 3.00 and walked out. Did I need it no, but it's a great gift for Wayne on his housewarming and besides it was only 3.00 when it was marked 12.00. So anyway it is really challenging and fun. The thing is all these store sales run from sun through Tues and that's it. So you gotta get your coupons on sunday, study the list and go for the stores and JUST GET what is on your list for the week. Well hope you try it Beth and Angie.
luv and hugs aunt pam
p.s. I'm still having trouble seeing so excuse this messing typing blog job.

Monday, July 24, 2006

no I didn't fall off of blog cliff somewhere

No I didn't fall off the blog cliff. I just went through a hiatus because no one is reading this silly thing.
It has been a busy hot summer. Working around the yard and house, painting etc. After you put a pool in I swear it's like you had built a house because the whole place is wrecked. But things are coming together somewhat. We are now turning to my mom's house vinyling it and putting new floors and roof. Oh does it ever end...
No I guess not, wouldn't it be easier to live in a rented condo?? yes I think so.

Bad news---Shane and Jamie split so that's sad.
Rhonda (Margie's daughter (Margie Berryman, Pete used to be married to). Well anyway, she had a son Jeremy and he was killed in a wreck last weekend. He was Kaci's age and had been to the house a couple of times. It was terrible, three guys driving home from a bar going 100 mph hit a piling under an underpass. This makes about the 8th one that was in the class Kaci graduated with. All drunk driving except for one who was an overdose.
The devil is out there to lie, steal and destroy our lives, he only needs a crack to get in.
Good news is Wayne is moving into his new place soon.
The girls are all good and healthy and fun to be around. David just got back from his Tennessee trip. He learned alot and made alot of new friends so he will go back next year. We are trying to make some arrangements to go to a Dude Ranch in Texas this fall.I think that would be fun. Anyway just going to work and working at home that's about it.
Beth I will get back with you and let you know about a visit, I definetly want to come visit before the baby. I have the attachment for the stroller and I hope it works for you. Anyway have a great week.
luv and hugs pam

Monday, June 12, 2006

just stuff and a new beginning

Beth I seriously think you are the only one reading my blog.
I hope that you are out of your shock state. If I know you you are already planning for that baby. When are you coming to see us?
This weekend we worked around here and swam with the babies. It's always fun to watch children play in the water. Why do they like it so much?? It's like they are so estatic when they are in the pool. I love watching them.
Aunt Cindy comes over with Kade or Ethan or both boys almost everyday if not every other day to swim.
Wayne bought a house in the country for him and Kade. I'm glad and Shane and Jamie are about to start building a house. David did a great job bricking around the little pool, it like to have eat him up but he did it. I think he could build anything. I haven't been shopping in forever. I did run into Old Navy real quick over the weekend, I'm serious real quick. Am I imagining or are their prices going up, up everytime I go in there it's more expensive.
David is bound for Tennessee next week. He is going to a mandolin camp, school (sounds like fun) all week in a dorm with a stranger just like a middle school camper boy. Well that's about it, just boring everyday normal stuff.
luv and hugs


p.s.: Beth remember when I posted New Beginnings, well it really is...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from
the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." (Luke

I came across this verse and wanted to post it because it holds such a powerful message. We are held accountable for how we use everything we are blessed with, our money, our homes, our jobs and our businesses and most importantly our "time".

When you think about it that is an awesome responsibility. Then end result of the above is...the more you give...the more you will receive of any of those things listed above. So then it is an blessed endless circle right?

Kennedy and I planted some seeds and I debated whether to plant the whole pack or not, so what the heck the whole pack was planted and a whole pack of little plants showed up, so it's just like that the more you plant or put in the more you will get back.

luv and hugs Pam

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Today Kaci, Kennedy and Gabrielle came over to swim, the water is still so cold. Poor Gabrielles lips were blue, it didn't bother Kennedy any. Then they took a bath and we played store/grocery shopping. That's what's great about having grandkids you get to play again. I used to play with Chris and Kaci all of the time and when they got too big, I babysat a couple of little girls and still got to play.If you haven't tried it you should. Today I was the checker at the store, Kennedy shopped the store and Gabrielle grabbed everything she put in her buggy. Well, the things you can teach by playing right? Gabrielle took all the money from the cash register and was running out of the room with it(little thief). Kennedy started screaming at her like she had killed someone. What's a grocery checker to do, but call Security. So I called, SECURITY!!!, SECURITY!!, STOP the little girl running out of the store with all the cash register money!!! Kennedy looked at me, like WHAT?? MiMi is really into this, right? Then she cracked up laughing, and of course Gabrielle had to stop and laugh too like she knew what was going on. So Kennedy forgot all about screaming at Gabrielle and Gabrielle decided that she like the money better in the cash register slot!! That's it, problem solved and fight stopped. It's not always that easy though but we have fun anyway.
so, play, play, play every chance you get.
luv and hugs,

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

What's wrong with this picture??????

I haven't been very good at keeping this blogging up. I think Beth, you are the only one that reads it, unless maybe some of my friends are reading and they don't want to sign up so they can leave comments. SIGN IN so I know Ya'll are looking at this, people!!
Everything is going good over here, still working on the pool, I told David today, I'm really getting tired of all this construction and I'm worn out from watching him work, LOL!
I was reading this backpacker magazine today and they had all of these unbelievable cool, light backpacks rated, hiking boots rated, tents and hiking clothes and all this high tech crap like a jackets with GPS's.
Well, it dawned on me why the heck did my son in 140 degree heat have to wear these antiquated, heavy black boots (with no arch supports) and lug around this humongous backpack that weighed 75lbs and wear this unbelievable heavy clothing in this unbearable climate. Why can't our government get their act together and get these guys some updated gear like these recreational backpackers have to make their life easier when they are riding around patrolling in unairconditioned bradley fighting vehicles? This is crazy.
So I'm going to find out, I'm going to write to every Senator, Representative, Governor to bitch about just this one thing.
Okay I've got that off my chest, I'll stop.
Tomorrow I promise I'll have a more positive attitude.
luv and hugs,

Sunday, April 30, 2006

A Hilariously fun vacation

What a vacation!! Well I'm back from a vacation with friends and it was a blast. My friend Leslie lives in Delaware. If you haven't been to the East Coast now is a perfect time. The cherry blossom trees were beautiful, everything was really green. Leslie has such a cute house it's like a Norman Rockwell scene. Julie, my friend that went and she brought her friend Martha. Julie's always going somewhere so she calls Leslie sometime last year, Can I come visit, oh yeah and can I bring two friends with me. I think every girl should go on at least one ALL Girl vacation once a year. Leslie was really sweet though, she took off the whole week from work and carted us from Delaware, to Philladelphia and to Atlantic City, NJ and then to Chesapeke Bay Maryland. Whew! Yep we did that all in a week. Julie your a nut, but a real blast. I only gained two pounds, I was really expecting to gain at least 8 lbs.
The part I like the best was Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Truly Amish country and really beautiful. I was just enthralled while riding around the country side and seeing the clothes hanging outside and the children with their bonnets and pinafore dresses and the little boys in their straw hats and pants. They were so cute. I tried and tried to buy the girls little Amish dresses but everywhere I went the sales people looked at me like I was crazy, "Maam, the Amish make their clothing they don't buy them in stores!" Well excuse me, I guess I will have to go to Ebay. I don't know where they would wear them, maybe to church I guess. Then everyone would think, aw the little amish girls have come to visit.

I know this is long but I have to tell one more thing. My sister in law and her friend clean my house 1 time a month and they came right after the trip, she didn't know I had been anywhere. She did know we have been looking for another church. Sooooo, I called her to talk to her a bit and I mentioned I had been to Pennsylvania and I had enjoyed seeing the Amish and the way they lived. She goes, "Oh my gosh, we saw all that Amish stuff laying around and we thought you were seriously thinking about joining them. Well if I did it sure as H... would not be in La. with this humidity and mosquitoes. No electricity uh uh. You have to respect them though, they don't even use machines on their farms, we saw a lady behind a plow with a team of 6 horses, yes in 2006. And yes they did have a town, called Intercourse, look at this pretzel sign, what were they thinking??

luv and hugs,

Monday, April 10, 2006

Gabrielle all big

This is a picture of the "pool", it was so cool to watch it take shape.

Spring and New beginnings

Every spring, ,I am constantly thinking I wish I didn't work and could stay home. It's the best time of year, new beginnings every where you look, new flowers, Dolli barking at new baby birds in a nest in the bushes. New words everyday from Jordan, today's word "baby". New 5 year old Granddaughter for us, Kennedy. New start for Kaci and Jeremy, Kennedy and Gabrielle, and also Guy, Carrie and Olivia as they move to Florida. And Beth and Scott with new jobs. Chris and Sarah celebrating their 2nd anniversary but really their first together.
Joy in watching Gabrielle's excitement when she opens up a plastic Easter egg to see it's contents. Just that sweet and simple.

Last week I received an email asking for prayer for 3 soldiers who are from Lake Charles and they were asking their mothers for prayers because of the fear they had in Ramadi Iraq. Today I recieved word that one had been killed, his name was Chase, he was 19. Never take a day, a hour, a minute for granted. Please remember our soldiers, lift them up in prayer.
luv and hugs,
"For I know the plans I have for you saith the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, April 03, 2006

just plain ole news

These are pics of Chris and Sarah in Colorado, Kaci never emails me the pics so that's why they aren't in here. This is Jordan eating her first ice cream cone.
We went to Toledo Bend this past weekend, very quite and did not do one thing but read and lay in the hammock. Not much else going on, just waiting on the guys to finish dirt work around the pool.
In about 14 days I will be flying out to Philidelphia with one of my friends, going to see Amish country and whatever else. I think that will be fun.
Anyway that's about it.
luv and hugs,

Thursday, March 30, 2006

It's been a long time

First I want to post this email I got and then I'll update family news. I received this email and it really made me think about the choices we make, to see the negative in life or focus on the positive. It is our choice.

John is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!"

He was a natural motivator.
If an employee was having a bad day, John was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.

Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up and asked him, "I don't get it!
You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?"
He replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or ... you can choose to be in a bad mood.

I choose to be in a good mood."

Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or...I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it.

Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or... I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.

"Yeah, right, it's not that easy," I protested.

"Yes, it is," he said. "Life is a ll about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people affect your mood.

You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live your life."

I reflected on what he said. Soon hereafter, I left the Tower Industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.

Several years later, I heard that he was involved in a serious accident, fal ling some 60 feet from a communications tower.

After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, he was released from the hospital with rods placed in his back.
I saw him about six months after the accident.

When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I'd be twins...Wanna see my scars?"

I declined to see his wounds, but I did ask him what had gone through his mind as the accident took place.

"The first thing that went through my mind was the well-being of my soon-to-be born daughter," he replied. "Then, as I lay on the ground, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live or...I could choose to die. I chose to live."

"Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked.

He contin ued, "..the paramedics were great.

They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the ER and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read 'he's a dead man'. I knew I needed to take action."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me," said John. "She asked if I was allergic to anything. 'Yes, I replied.' The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, 'Gravity'."

Over their laughter, I told them, "I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead."

He lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude... I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully.

Attitude, after all, is everything.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34.

"After all today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. "
luv and hugs

Monday, March 13, 2006

FAMILY CHAOS is an understatement

Well Kaci is married. They all went to Colorado last Wed. I kept both baby girls and I swear just as soon as their parents got on the plane they were sick. Jordan stayed up and cried until 3:45 a.m. She had one of her tubes plugged, took her to the doctor Thursday, as soon as I got home Gabrielle starting throwing up.She had fever for two nights vomiting, diarreha, (poor baby).
I had all kind of fun plans for them but maybe next time. Jordan got ate up by a mosquito in her room at night and she has about 10 bites all over her face. So her mom and dad will probably think I put her outside with the dog or something. She looks terrible. Does anyone know what is the best thing to put on mosquito bites for them to get well fast, (besides makeup)?I had, had to go to work today but really needed to stay home with them one more day. Their parents will be back tonight so that's good.
Saturday will be a cajun filled day if anyone wants to come down. C.W. is coming down to go find some cajun music and I'm sure we will be able to pass a good time by the time the weekend gets here. In the meantime I'm going to try to get some sleep before then, of course after work.
They just got the pool put in, the back yard is a wreck,literally. pics to follow.
N E Way,
luv and hugs,

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

one thing leads to another

Work is crazy and I'm ready to retire.
Gabrielle's birthday party was Sat. at Jeremy's. The weather sucked so everyone had to be inside. Kaci made spaghetti had had a cute ladybug cake made for her. Gabrielle did not like the fact that you opened a present and had to put it down and then open another one. She just wanted to play with the present that was opened at the time and finally she had enough of Kaci taking them away and giving her another one that she had a major fit meltdown in front of everyone and yes I did get a picture of that, I'll be posting later. I must say it is so much fun being the grandparent and sitting back and watching rather than the parent and having to deal with it. Anyway, she got over it and moved on. She did learn a new word while sitting in the back of Paw Paw's truck the other day. He said, "Oh Crap!", she said CAP, PawPaw!! He blew his nose that sounds like a horn, she was in my room and yells "PawPaw...Huth which meant (Hush) of course!" That was so funny.

I did get to see the bed that flew out of the truck, it wasn't damaged that bad, it is a really cool bed made out of banana tree, very pretty. The story was Jeremy thought it was really heavy and could in no way fly out, the wind was very bad that weekend. Kaci turned around and screamed NO!!! and the thing just lifted up and flew out onto the interstate. Luckily no cars were behind them or they would probably be facing a lawsuit. It broke but he was able to fix it and is still working to get it where the boo boo doesn't show.
I got David a sattelite radio system for his truck for Valentines day, and he decides he would rather the kind that has the whole set-up, new cd player, sattelite with IPOD connection and of course the IPOD so my present just led to another bigger present. We went to Beaumont and had it installed, he did get it at "Best Buy". So now we have the original system and I guess we will put in on Ebay.
I did get a new car, Honda CRV-LE. I really like it, strictly bought it on the safety performance in it's class. Still need to sell that Firebird, but it has to be in perfect condition before David will put it up for sell. I'm thinking it didn't have to be in perfect condition for me to drive why does it have to be sold perfect. If it was perfect I wouldn't be selling it in the first place but oh well.
Have a GREAT week!
luv and hugs,
Aunt Pam

Friday, February 10, 2006

just a week

Well last weekend was full of fun staying busy with Beth and Mason, the "Queen Mother of Shoppers".Debbie and Cindy came in a close second. Definetly can outshop me anyday, but a great bargain hunter. We went to Houston, Harwin street, (over rated in my book). Only hit one of the many malls in Houston, and got home at 1:00 a.m. Gabrielle and Mason were very good shoppers, we spoiled them as usual. They were afraid of the Rain Forest Cafe but had fun after they got used to it. On Sat. had fun at Jeremy's catching fish and eating hamburgers. Sunday David cooked some interesting pancakes for us, then Beth and Mason had to leave.
Back to work on Monday, same old thing everyday, kept both baby girls on Wednesday and that was busy. I said , "let's go outside", and before I knew Gabrielle had opened the door and was taking Jo Jo outside. "Jo Jo ooo side?" Jordan was trying to get into the toy car before I got outside. Funny girls, they had so much fun playing.
Then Friday when my car died at work on the way home. It needs a belt thank goodness it died in the parking lot,I could not steer it. So it's still at work and I'm at home. Does anyone want to buy a 2001 Red Pontiac Firebird with black leather interior for $8800.00? It's getting cleaned up to sell.
Question for the night is "Why are they playing American Disco music for the opening ceremony at the Winter Olympics in Italy?"
Carrie please update your blog.
luv & hugs
Aunt Pam

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Cafe' Des Ami

Well we went back to Lafayette to pick up our trailer and this time we stayed in Breaux Bridge, La. We stayed at Maison Des Ami Bed and Breakfast. It was really nice, it is on the bank of Bayou Teche and this bed and breakfast is actually rooms in a 150 year old home. Our room had a huge four poster bed with a claw foot tub, antique armoir and chest of drawers. This house had porches all around. When you went outside to walk down to the bayou, gardens with lovely water fountains and a huge kumquat tree, loaded. Walking down to the gazebo on the bayou, of course David was already out there playing his mandolin, everything was so beautiful and just thinking about how old the place was and the rich history of the cajuns in this area. What was it like back then, in this huge home with no ac or heat to speak of. How did the family live, they must have been prominent with a home like this. The home was literally closed and abandoned for 30 years. It was renovated in 1995 by a couple. As the renovation began some of the older people in town would stop by and share memories of the home with tears in their eyes, memories of the family that lived there before it was abandoned. The actual home was first built in 1810 and the larger home was eventually built around the small stone home in the 1870's.They say there are ghosts that protect the place, that is if you believe in ghosts.
The next morning we woke up and walked downtown to the "Cafe Des Ami". Every Saturday beginning at 8:30 a Zydeco band plays. This restaurant is also in an old home with long leaf pine floors smoothed by dancer's feet. As we went in to listen to the music and eat breakfast, the Zydeco music played quite loudly I must say. The wait is long if you want to sit down, the hostess asked us if we would mind sitting with someone else at the table, which we said that was fine. So we waited at the bar, ordered beingnets and drank dark coffee watched the dancers and listened to the music. I love Zydeco music, the singer sang songs of old, "Whatcha gonna give me for a piece of cornbread", "Dont mess with my toot toot". It felt as if you were in another world another time, one that is slower where the people love to have fun. There are a couple of old men that go there every Saturday to dance with the women, and I'm talking old like around 80.Children danced, old, young, black and white. I loved it.
Finally the waitress seated us at a table with a family that had two little girls and a little boy. We ordered our food, couche-couche and huge steak omelot covered with thick crawfish etoufee, toast, butter, cane syrup and hot black coffee. Our meal, 14.00, can you believe and we did not even pay that because it was included with our room. We ate our breakfast watched the dancers, listened to the music, then headed back home.
So Beth if you ever want to go over there, come on down I'm ready to go back.Lafayette is only 7 minutes from there and they have lots of boutiques, I just dont know where they are at.
luv and hugs,
Aunt Pam

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Maison de Memoire

We went to a bed in breakfast for our anniversary. It was so nice. This couple has several acres and has brought in old, old little houses and brought them back to life by rebuilding them and furnished them with antiques. It's called Maison de Memoire or House of Memories.There is a pond on the land with a wharf with lights along it. Lynn, the owner paints and her paintings are in the house, she brings breakfast to your door each morning in a basket and I'm not talking about continental, a very good homemade breakfast with fresh homemade cookies in the evening.
We got back on Saturday, just in time for Jordan's first birthday. It was good, she is still sick so she was not in a very good mood.
Chris is having some anxiety in crowds so he was stressed. I think a lot of the guys have that when they get back from Iraq.
Heres a pic of David on the front porch of the bed and breakfast house.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Holidays and New Year

As you can see we had a very blessed Christmas. Full of family fun.Mason and Gabrielle were not in the picture taking mood. I don't know about Mason but we can hardly ever, get Gabrielle to sit still for a picture. As you can see in the photo of her and Mason she is scooting away just as we set her down and she is trying to get away taking a picture with Granny and the kids. Don't they all look so cute.